Committees and Groups
The Broadcast Cabling and Digital Equipment Working Committee is to revise the G642:2016 Installation of Broadcast Cabling and connection of Digital Broadcast Equipment to a Telecommunications Network Industry Guideline.
The CECRP/PAG is a standing Advisory Group charged with the responsibility of reviewing queries on AS/ACIF Standards and ACMA Technical Standards and developing responses on behalf of Communications Alliance.
The Communications Resilience Admin Industry Group (CRAIG) has been established to help those in and associated with the telecommunications sector to understand the telecommunications environment and the specific systems, networks and assets within the sector that are essential to the continuity of the sectors’ services, to identify the risk, vulnerabilities, and resilience challenges that affect the telecommunications sector, and to facilitate greater collaboration in the repair and recovery effort following a disaster/emergency
The Communications Security Reference Panel is a standing advisory body comprised of industry subject matter experts, with a remit to oversee and coordinate Communications Alliance facilitated industry security initiatives, both current and prospective, including engagement with Government on Security of Critical Infrastructure and national Telecommunications Security Sector Reforms; telecommunications fraud prevention; engagement with Government on Cyber Security and Cyber Safety; along with oversight into eSafety and Privacy matters.
The Customer Equipment and Cable Reference Panel identifies and reviews customer equipment and customer cabling issues likely to affect industry and recommend appropriate action for the ongoing efficient operation of the industry. This includes the review of existing standards, codes, guidelines and other related documentation.
The Fixed Line Administration Group (FLAG) was established to provide a forum for industry fixed line service providers to consider network related developments, issues and events and to propose appropriate solutions, particularly where end customers are impacted.
ICAG is a standing group for CA members to examine matters related to the delivery of services to end users, including the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code. ICAG engages with a range of stakeholders including consumer representatives, industry regulators, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) and other interested parties.
The Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Administration Group ensures the efficient operation of MNP within the scope of the Mobile Number Portability Industry Code (C570:2009).
The Mobile Premium Services Carrier Group examines opportunities for operational efficiencies and industry growth in the delivery of Mobile Premium Services from an end carriage service provider perspective.
The Network Reference Panel identifies and reviews network issues likely to affect industry and recommend appropriate action for the ongoing efficient operation of the industry. This includes the review of existing codes, guidelines and other related documentation.
The Numbering Working Group represents telecommunications providers in relation to matters pertaining to numbering in the telecommunications industry.
The Communications Alliance Operations Council is comprised of senior representatives from member companies to guide and help manage the core operational activities of the Alliance.
The Operations Reference Panel identifies and reviews issues likely to affect industry operational matters and recommend appropriate action for the ongoing efficient operation of the industry. This includes the review of existing codes, guidelines, IT specifications and other related documentation.
To help provide Australians with better telecommunications services more quickly and cost effectively, telecommunications carriers have limited special powers to enter land to inspect it and to install and maintain facilities.
The Satellite Services Working Group (SSWG) within Communications Alliance (CA) was formally established in 2012 to represent and advance the interests of CA members involved in the delivery of satellite-based network and facilities services on a wholesale and/or retail basis.
The Local Number Portabilityt working committee is to create a revised version of the C540: 2013 Local Number Portability Incorporating Variation No.1/2016 Industry Code as part of a scheduled review of the Code, but also to address areas of concern in the Codes identified by submissions received during the Code review comment period.
The Defence Cabling Standard Revision Working Committee is to revise the AS/CA S035:2015 Requirements for installation of temporary field telecommunications customer cabling for defence purposes Standard.
The PMTS and Satellite Service Customer Equipment Standards Working Committee is to revise the customer equipment requirements for PMTS and Satellite Services in the AS/CA S042 Requirements for Connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network Standard to maintain currency with the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Releases and changes under Australian telecommunications legislation and regulations.
The Cable Flammability Amendment Working Committee is to develop an Amendment to the AS/CA S008:2020 Requirements for customer cabling products Standard to rectify an inconsistency in AS/CA S008 with the product flammability requirements and the installation requirements for those products in the AS/CA S009 Installation requirements for customer cabling (Wiring Rules) Standard.
The WC118 : SIP Transport for Non-Mobile Originated Emergency Calls Working Committee is to create a new Industry Guideline that:
- Defines recommendations or requirements for the transport of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) information associated with Emergency Calls:
- From a Carrier or Carriage Service Provider; and
- For delivery to the Emergency Call Person (ECP) for 000 and 112;
- Is for non-mobile originated Emergency Calls i.e. Emergency Calls that originate from Customer Equipment that does not access a public mobile telecommunications service designed for voice communications; and
- Maintains alignment with any relevant international specifications.
The WC120 : Push MoLI Update Working Committee is to revise the G557.5:2021 Location Information for Emergency Calls Part 5: Push Mobile Location Information (MoLI) Interface to Emergency Call Person Platform (ECPP) Industry Guideline:
- To clarify expectations about the presentation of Push MoLI to the Emergency Call Person e.g. when a mobile device initiates an emergency call vs when it registers on a mobile network;
- To include content to reflect the change in mobile technology generations e.g. the introduction/inclusion of 5G.
The WC121 : MNP Network Testing Working Committee is to review the content of and, where appropriate, revise the Industry Guidelines:
- G561:2009 Mobile Number Portability Network Plan for Voice, Data and Fax Services;
- G565:2018 Mobile Number Portability Network Plan for SMS;
- G577:2009 Mobile Number Portability Testing Strategy for Voice, Data and Fax Services; and
- G604:2013 MNP Ongoing Test Plan for Voice, Fax & Data Services;
The WC122 : Cell Broadcast Interface Working Committee is to develop a new Guideline that:
- Specifies an interface between a:
- Cell Broadcast Entity (CBE) e.g. an application used by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA); and
- Cell Broadcast Centre (CBC) e.g. a function operated by a Mobile Network Operator.
- Specifies recommendations or requirements for the testing of this interface for delivering a Cell Broadcast Message (CBM).
The WC125 : Emergency Calling – Network and Mobile Phone Testing Working Committee is to consider the recommendations arising from the Final Report of the Review into the Optus Outage of 8 November 2023 (the Bean Review).
WC53 NBN Access Transfer Code revision
The NBN Access Transfer working committee is revising the C647:2017 NBN Access Transfer Industry Code to address the comments received during the review of the Code and to review the processes concerning invalid, unauthorised or repeat transfers.
The Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Revision Working Committee is to perform an area of work identified in the review of the Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment (C564:2011) Industry Code.
The TCP Code Working Committee (known as the 'Review Committee') has been established through the Industry Consumer Advisory Group Reference Panel (ICAG) to manage the review of the C628:2019 Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code (incorporating variation no.1/2022)
The WC86: Emergency Call Services Requirements Working Committee has been established to perform an area of work identified in the review of the G644:2011 Emergency Call Service Protections Requirements Guideline and the Emergency Call Services Requirements (C536:2011) Industry Code. This work is also being undertaken to align the Code with changes made to the Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Determination 2019 requested by the ACMA
The Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) Working Committee is to revise the C555:2020 Integrated Public Number Database Industry Code in association with the scheduled review of the Code.
The Reducing Scam Calls Working Committee is to develop an Industry Code aimed at identifying, tracing and reducing the volume of scam calls.
The Working Committee (WC93) is to revise the:
- C658:2019 Next-Generation Broadband Systems Deployment in Customer Cabling Industry Code, and
- AS/ACIF S043.2 Requirements for Customer Equipment for connection to a metallic local loop interface of a Telecommunications Network - Part 2: Broadband Australian Standard
- to align with international developments in technology (e.g. ITU-T Recommendation G.9700) and update the content of C658:2019 and AS/CA S043.2:2016 to enable the deployment of next generation broadband systems based on technology.
The IMT-2020 Customer Equipment Working Committee is to develop requirements for IMT-2020 (5G) customer equipment in a new Part 5 of the AS/CA S042 Requirements for Connection to an air interface of a Telecommunications Network Standard.