Satellite Services Working Group (SSWG)
The Satellite Services Working Group (SSWG) within Communications Alliance (CA) was formally established in 2012 to represent and advance the interests of CA members involved in the delivery of satellite-based network and facilities services on a wholesale and/or retail basis.
Terms of reference (Download, .pdf 63KB)
Participation is open to Communications Alliance members, including but not limited to service providers engaged in:
- Operation of in-orbit satellites – GEO, MEO and LEO spacecraft;
- Manufacturing of satellites and/or ground-segment equipment;
- Provision of launch services and TTC&M services;
- Wholesale provision of satellite network services;
- Retail provision of satellite-based services to business and consumer markets;
- Installation of satellite customer equipment and network equipment
- Provision of legal or consulting services to the satellite sector
Membership is limited to organisations or individuals who are CA members, but the SSWG may decide to establish links with non-members organisations or individuals. The Group may establish sub-groups to work on specified issues.
The initial Chair of the group is Communications Alliance CEO, John Stanton, supported by Communications Alliance project manager, Mike Johns. Luke Coleman CEO, the current chair, commenced October 2024.
Scope of Operations: The Group’s terms of reference, priorities, work plan and frequency of meetings will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
The Group’s areas of activity include:
- Advocacy on behalf of the satellite sector, especially on radiocommunications regulation issues, including via input to State and Federal Government policy development and Inquiries, and through representation of satellite sector interests on relevant Department and ACMA committees and working groups;
- Ongoing engagement with the Australian Space Agency;
- General promotion of the role and importance of satellite services for Australia;
- Expert input into the creation or revision of Communications Alliance Codes, Guidelines and Standards that have implications for satellite-based services;
- Collaborative activities to foster the development and growth of the satellite sector in Australia and to resolve technical or commercial issues of common interest;
- Monitoring of international radiocommunications regulations and standards work relevant to the Australian satellite sector.
EchoStar Global Australia
Global VSAT Forum (GVF)
Lockheed Martin
Eutelsat OneWeb
Pivotel Satellite
Input on Australian positions for satellite-related WRC-27 agenda items Position Paper – February 2025
The Communications Alliance Satellite Services Working Group (SSWG) will participate in the ITU's World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-27). This paper presents, for consideration by Government, the regulators, and industry sectors, the SSWG’s preferred Australian stance on each of the WRC-27 Agenda Items.
Input on Australian positions for satellite-related WRC-23 agenda items Position Paper - November 2022
The Communications Alliance Satellite Services Working Group (SSWG) will participate in the ITU's World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23). This paper presents, for consideration by Government, the regulators, and industry sectors, the SSWG’s preferred Australian stance on each of the WRC-23 Agenda Items.
Satellite Industry Spectrum Strategy - July 2022
This paper is to brief Australia’s radiocommunications regulatory decision makers (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC) and the ACMA) and other stakeholders on the Australian satellite industry’s strategy for spectrum use in Australia. The paper highlights the need for consistent, long-term planning to foster the industry and the benefits that accrue to Australian satellite services consumers, industry and the national economy from that approach. The document looks at spectrum on a band-by-band system approach and does take a retrospective look at some bands, such as 28 GHz, where SSWG believes some adjustments are warranted.
Comms Alliance Satellite Industry Spectrum Strategy 2022 (211 KB)
Ku-Band GSO ESIM, Future of Australian Satellite Services - March 2022
The SSWG developed the ‘Ku-Band GSO ESIM, Future of Australian Satellite Services’ Paper in March 2022 to encourage the Federal Government and the Australian regulator – the ACMA – to incorporate measures within the domestic regulatory framework to promote the deployment of ESIM in the 13 GHz band for aeronautical and maritime broadband services. Australia could play an important role in the development of ITU studies on Ku-Band GSO ESIM in relevant Australian and international working parties in the lead-up to the next World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC-23) in 2023. The paper points to the capabilities of Earth Stations in Motion (ESIM) that are being used by airlines around the world to provide broadband connectivity on thousands of aircraft, by the maritime sector on cargo, tanker, ferry and passenger vessels, and for public and private transportation on trains, buses, emergency response vehicles and other motor vehicles. It focuses on the use of ESIM connected to geostationary satellites and operating in the Ku-Band frequency bands between 12 and 18 Gigahertz (GHz).
Ku-Band GSO ESIM, Future of Australian Satellite Services (377 KB)
Ensuring the Future of Australian Satellite Services - May 2018
The SSWG developed the ‘Ensuring the Future of Australian Satellite Services’ Paper in May 2018 to stimulate debate between the SSWG and the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), the Department of Communications and the Arts (DoCA) and other stakeholders on the future of satellite services and the advent of growing demand for spectrum for 5G services from carriers, vendors and users within many industry verticals. This paper examines the approaches being taken in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and some regulatory regimes around the world to enable terrestrial mobile services and satellite services to share the spectrum in specified frequency bands where this is technically feasible.
Ensuring the Future of Australian Satellite Services (206 kB)
Satellite Technology – A Special Report - October 2012
The Satellite Services Working Group initiated the publication of a six-page special report on the Australian Satellite Sector, which was published in The Australian newspaper on 29 October 2012. The report showcases Australia’s place in the history of satellite communications and provides an informative guide on the different types of satellites and satellite applications and how they benefit the lives of Australian consumers and businesses on a daily basis. The report can be downloaded from the links below.
Page 1 (Download, .pdf 3.0 MB)
Page 2 (Download, .pdf 2.2 MB)
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