Sydney, 21 August 2017 - Communications Alliance has appointed Ms Fay Holthuyzen as the Independent Chair of the upcoming review of the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code.

The Code contains consumer protection rules in key areas including customer service, complaint handling, advertising, billing and credit management.

Ms Holthuyzen – an acknowledged industry and policy expert and former Deputy Secretary of the Federal Department of Communications IT and the Arts - also chaired the previous TCP Code revision in 2012.

A working committee including representatives from industry, consumers, regulators and the Federal Government will undertake the scheduled five-yearly review. If the review finds that the Code needs to be revised, the working committee will also undertake that revision, before seeking and taking into account feedback from the general public and other stakeholders. The revised Code will then be submitted to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) for registration.

Communications Alliance also announced today the registration, by the ACMA, of a variation to the TCP Code. The variation expressly provides that being a victim of family or domestic violence is a criterion for access to Financial Hardship assistance from service providers and encourages providers to consider the unique circumstances a victim of domestic or family violence may be experiencing when developing flexible repayment options. A Communications Alliance working group is also developing a guidance document in consultation with consumer representatives on how providers can best assist customers who are victims of family or domestic violence.

The variation and guidance document are in line with a recommendation of the Victoria Royal Commission into Family Violence.

Further information on the TCP Code can be found here:

Communications Alliance is the primary communications industry body in Australia. Its membership is drawn from a wide cross-section of the communications industry, including carriers, carriage and internet service providers, content providers, platform providers, equipment vendors, IT companies, consultants and business groups.

Its vision is to be the most influential association in Australian communications, co-operatively initiating programs that promote sustainable industry development, innovation and growth, while generating positive outcomes for customers and society.

The prime mission of Communications Alliance is to create a co-operative stakeholder environment that allows the industry to take the lead on initiatives which grow the Australian communications industry, enhance the connectivity of all Australians and foster the highest standards of business behaviour.

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