TCP Code – update and next steps

(Listed in reverse chronological order)

Near-complete draft Code submitted to the ACMA for feedback (‘May package’)

On 20 May, CA submitted a near-complete draft TCP Code to the ACMA for consideration, along with additional commentary/information about how key issues and stakeholder comments had been managed.

The ‘package’ was also provided to the Review Committee, which has been asked to provide written comments by 24 June to allow the TCP Drafting Committee to consider its comments in parallel with feedback from the ACMA.

The package is available HERE.


A Comment Log detailing comments received on, and the Drafting Committee's response to, the December and March packages is available HERE.

The comment logs from stage 1 of the TCP review have been reviewed to check whether all issues have been addressed and where relevant, to include brief notes on why/how they have been addressed in the way they have. The updated and combined log is available HERE.

It is requested that those reviewing the Code and providing feedback consider the positions in all the comment logs and other collateral that forms part of this review process (December package position paper details; May package addendum, etc). This is an important part of an iterative process as issues may have been addressed in a particular way to balance different stakeholder perspectives, or to take account of rules or regulations in different instruments that the commenter may not be aware of.

Payment Methods

On 14 March, CA submitted drafting and a paper to the ACMA on payment-related issues. (HERE).

The ACMA’s response (of 9 April) is available HERE.

ACMA Feedback on the 14th December ‘TCP Code Package’

In early February, the ACMA Chair and Agency Head wrote to CA to advise that the Authority was largely comfortable with CA continuing its Code development process provided it addresses ACMA feedback on a number of identified key issues. This includes ensuring that the Code mandates that "direct debits/auto-payments are not the only payment method offered, with at least one alternative being offered fee-free to all customers with similar flexibility".

The ACMA requested that industry provide reconsidered views on the issue of payment methods by 14 March, with drafting to address the remaining matters of concern by 3 May (subsequently extended to 20 May).  The letter from the ACMA is available here.

Next steps

The table below outlines the key steps and associated timeframes for further code development. It was developed with input from key stakeholders, with further input sought through the Review Committee (RC).

Full details, including the rationale for the proposed approach, are included in the 28 February 2024 correspondence to the RC, available here.

Ongoing invitation to comment

In line with CA’s commitment to transparency and constructive engagement, it will continue to post regular updates on its website, and welcomes constructive stakeholder engagement at any time. (email:

Consultation key steps - TCP Code development 2024 (Listed in reverse chronological order)

Notes / links to submissions / responses
Mid/late August TBC (date dependent on ACMA feedback)
Stage 3 of 3 commences – formal public consultation on the Code.
See: Stage 3 page
24 June
RC written feedback on May Package due

4 June
RC briefing on May Package

Test ideas and concepts with relevant stakeholders as required

20 May (complete)
A substantively complete TCP Code to be provided to the ACMA for consideration.

Feedback from the RC requested by 24 June to allow it to be considered in parallel with the ACMA’s feedback.

May Package available HERE

A Comment Log detailing comments received on, and the Drafting Committee's response to, the December and March packages is available HERE.

14 March (complete)
Drafting on payments to be provided to the ACMA, cc’ing the RC.

Payments-related drafting paper HERE.

ACMA feedback on the payments-paper (provided 11 May), available HERE

13 December
Comprehensive TCP Code package to the ACMA (and RC)
Refer to main page for links to December package and details of earlier consultation and work.
 Earlier work
 Refer to main page