Contact us

Address: Level 25/100 Mount Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Postal Address: PO Box 444, Milsons Point NSW 1565
Phone: (61) 2 9959 9111
ABN: 56 078 026 507

MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Please contact Communications Alliance.

If you have a question or comment for the Australian telecommunications industry, or for Communications Alliance, please complete the form below.

Select the most relevant topic. This helps to allocate your query to the most appropriate person.

NOTE: This information is made available to assist anyone to contact us about our activities. It is not to be used for the generation of contact lists for commercial purposes including direct marketing.


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If you have a user login but have forgotten your password then please click here to reset your password. Once logged in you can edit your login details at the user details page.

Queries or complaints by consumers or small business about your telecommunications service

If you have any queries relating to your telecommunications service or you wish to make a complaint - contact your service provider first.

If you are not satisfied with your service provider's handling of the matter - contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman:
Freecall 1800 062 058; TTY 133 677; Speak & Listen 1300 555 727 or visit the TIO website