NBN Project History
The Rudd Government announced in April 2009 it would establish a new company that would invest up to $43 billion over eight years to build and operate a National Broadband Network delivering superfast broadband to Australian homes and workplaces.
This page contains links to older information on the National Broadband Network Project (2009-2011).
NBN Project (2009-2011)
As announced in September 2011, the Communications Alliance NBN Project was dissolved following the establishment of an Operations Council to guide and help manage the core operational activities of the Alliance.
Communications Alliance set up its NBN Project to assist the communications industry address requirements arising from the Government's policy on the National Broadband Network (NBN).
After initial industry forums in May and July 2009, seven different projects were identified to cover the various issues that need to be addressed.
The initial work and focus was on developing an NBN Reference Model to identify the roles and responsibilities of NBN Co and service providers in the NBN framework as well as identifying key principles related to end users, services and interconnection of networks. The NBN Reference Model provides the framework which informs and contributes to the other projects areas which cover specific aspects of the NBN.
The seven work areas addressed specific topics that required detailed work to identify standards, guidelines and processes for the delivery of wholesale and retail services in the NBN environment. They were:
- NBN Reference Model,
- Wholesale Services,
- Early Stage Deployments,
- End User Premises,
- Technical,
- Operational, and
- End User Migration.
Additional information on the NBN project is in a presentation given to stakeholders:
CA NBN Project briefing Dec09 (.pdf, 2249KB)
Communications Alliance Documents
Document releases created by the NBN Project working groups:
- National Broadband Network B2B Interaction Process Requirements Specification Release 1, December 2010 (.pdf, 1577 KB)
- National Broadband Network Wholesale Telephony Access Service Release 1, August 2010 (.pdf, 1251 KB)
- National Broadband Network End User Premises Handbook Release 2, June 2010 (.pdf, 1150 KB)
- National Broadband Network Fibre Ready Distribution Networks Release 1, May 2010 (.pdf, 203 KB)
- National Broadband Network FTTP Planning Express Conduit Release 1, May 2010 (.pdf, 249 KB)
- National Broadband Network Overview of Technical Standards Release 1, April 2010 (.pdf, 391KB)
- National Broadband Network Reference Architecture - High Level Architecture Options for the NBN Release 1, Jan 2010 (.pdf, 887KB)
- National Broadband Network Wholesale Service Definition Framework - Ethernet Release 1, Dec 2009 (.pdf, 2318 KB)
Other Communications Alliance documents for the NBN Project:
- Communications Alliance study: Overseas Examples of Open Access FTTP Networks October 2009 (.pdf, 864KB)
- Discussion Paper 2: Tackling the NBN Questions - Proposed Way Forward for Industry 09 June 2009
- Discussion Paper 1: How Can We Develop an Open-Access Wholesale Service Model for the NBN? 14 May 2009
- Transition to a National Broadband Network
Past Key Dates
Submissions were due:
- Submissions on the ACCC discussion paper on Telstra's Structural Separation Undertaking and draft Migration Plan are due by 5.00 pm on 27 Sep 2011
- Comments on Communications Alliance draft Fibre Ready Pit and Pipe Specification for Real Estate Development Projects to Communications Alliance - Thu 29 Sep 2011
- Feedback on NBN Co's SAU discussion paper to feedback@nbnco.com.au - Fri 19 Aug 2011
- DBCDE release of a discussion paper on a proposed legislative reform package, which includes the establishment of the Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency (TUSMA). Submissions on the paper to uso@dbcde.gov.au - 2pm AEST 8 August 2011
- Links to less recent submission dates are available on the NBN Project History page.
- DBCDE release of exposure drafts of five structural separation instruments. Submissions on the drafts to separationframework@dbcde.gov.au - 5pm AEST 15 June 2011
- NBN Co release for the second public consultation process on its Wholesale Broadband Agreement. Comments to feedback@nbnco.com.au - 10 June 2011
- Submissions on the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (Standard Telephone Service—Requirements and Circumstances) Determination (No. 1) 2011 Exposure Draft to DBCDE via email to consumersafeguardsreform@dbcde.gov.au - 5pm AEDT 4 March 2011
- House Standing Committee on Infrastructure and Communications inquiry into the role and potential of the National Broadband Network. Comments to ic.reps@aph.gov.au - 25 February 2011
- NBN Co release of its draft B2B specifications. Comments using the feedback form to feedback@nbnco.com.au - 25 February 2011
- ACCC invitation for stakeholder input on the location of NBN Points of Interconnect - 14 January 2011
- NBN Co release of its information paper on Access Seeker Accreditation (Fibre Network) and a related paper on its Access Seeker - Interoperability Certification Test Program on 2 December 2010. Expressions of Interest from Access Seekers to feedback@nbnco.com.au - 23 December 2010
- NBN Co release of its consultation paper on Wholesale Broadband Agreement on 29 October 2010. Comments to feedback@nbnco.com.au - 26 November 2010
- NBN Co release of its consultation paper on Connecting to the National Broadband Network. Comments to feedback@nbnco.com.au - 25 November 2010
- ACCC release of discussion paper on NBN Co Points of Interconnect (POIs) - 8 November 2010
- DBCDE release of discussion paper ‘Implementation of Universal Service Policy for the transition to the National Broadband Network environment’. Comments to uso@dbcde.gov.au - 3.00 pm AEDT, 5 November 2010
- NBN Co release of three Product Overview papers on its Fibre Access Service, Wireless Access Service and Satellite Access Service. Comments to feedback@nbnco.com.au - 16 September 2010
- NBN Co release of its Product Technical Specification for its Fibre Access Services. Comments to feedback@nbnco.com.au - 16 September 2010
- National Broadband Network Implementation Study - Submissions to NBNImplementationStudy@dbcde.gov.au by 27 May 2010
- Proposed subordinate legislation to give effect to fibre in new developments - Submissions on the DBCDE discussion paper to greenfields@dbcde.gov.au - 3 May 2010
- NBN Co Request for Capability Statement: Design and Construction – Fibre Access Network - 27 April 2010
- NBN Co Registration of Interest: FTTP Passive Network Hardware Services - 22 March 2010
- National Broadband Network Company Legislation and Access Regime - Submissions on the draft legislation should be submitted by 15 March, 2010 and should be sent to nbnlegislation@dbcde.gov.au
- NBN Co Request for Capability Statement: Business and Operational Support Systems and Services - 15 March 2010
- NBN Co consultation paper: proposed wholesale fibre bitstream products - 12 February 2010
- Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Fibre Deployment) Bill - 22 January 2010
- NBN Co: industry capability statements - 21 December 2009
- Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2009 - 07 October 2009
- Views sought on legislative framework for National Broadband Network - 5.00pm AEST, 30 July 2009
- Discussion Paper 2: Tackling the NBN Questions - Proposed Way Forward for Industry 22 June 2009
- Fibre in greenfield estates stakeholder consultation paper (registration required) - 5:00pm AEST, 12 June 2009
- Regulatory Reform for 21st Century Broadband - 5.00pm AEST, 03 June 2009
- Backhaul Blackspots Initiative Stakeholder Consultation - 3.00pm AEST, 12 May 2009
- RFP - 3.00pm AEST, July 25 2008
- Regulatory Issues - 3.00pm AEST 25 June 2008
- Remote areas - 5.00pm AEST 30 June 2008
Past Key Announcements
- Ministerial media release: South Australia’s first NBN site goes live in Willunga - 16 September 2011
- Ministerial media release: NBN Co signs new contracts for Victoria and WA rollout - 6 September 2011
- Ministerial media release: NBN switched on in Townsville - 01 September 2011
- NBN Co announcement: NBN to deliver quality video and interactivity to consumers - 12 August 2011
- Ministerial media release: Call for public comments on Digital Economy initiatives - 08 August 2011
- Ministerial media release: NBN to promote innovation and improve business opportunities for Brunswick residents - 04 August 2011
- NBN Co announcement: National Broadband Network goes live in Melbourne - 04 August 2011
- Ministerial media release: Early fixed wireless rollout to communities - 03 August 2011
- NBN Co announcement: First communities for NBN fixed wireless service unveiled - 03 August 2011
- Ministerial media release: NBN rolling out to second release sites - 03 August 2011
- NBN Co announcement: Start dates announced for NBN Second Release sites in NSW, Qld, ACT - 03 August 2011
- Telstra media release: Telstra lodges Structural Separation Undertaking and Migration Plan with ACCC - 01 August 2011
- Ministerial media release: Second mainland site connected to the NBN - 29 July 2011
- NBN Co announcement: Release of third edition of Wholesale Broadband Agreement and discussion paper with an overview of its planned Special Access Undertaking (SAU) - 28 July 2011
- Ministerial media release: NBN Interim Satellite Service to boost regional broadband - 1 July 2011
- Ministerial media release: Stage two of the NBN rollout begins in Tasmania - 30 June 2011
- Joint ministerial media release: NBN rollout to benefit from agreement with Optus - 23 June 2011
- NBN Co announcement: NBN Co and Optus Sign Binding Agreement - 23 June 2011
- Optus media release: Optus reaches landmark agreement with NBN Co on HFC network - 23 Jun 2011
- Joint ministerial media release: Government and Telstra agree on package of consumer measures - 23 June 2011
- Joint ministerial media release: Government - Telstra - NBN Co deal Delivers Historic Telecommunications Reform - 23 June 2011
- NBN Co announcement:NBN Co and Telstra Sign Binding Definitive Agreements - 23 June 2011
- Telstra media release: Telstra signs NBN Definitive Agreements - 23 June 2011
- Ministerial media release: Refined arrangements for fibre in new development - 15 June 2011
- Ministerial media release: Structural reform of Australia’s telecommunications sector - 1 June 2011
- NBN Co announcement: NBN Co & Silcar reach agreement to deliver value-for-money fibre rollout - 1 June 2011
- NBN Co announcement: NBN Co selects fixed wireless network partner for mid-2012 service start - 1 June 2011
- NBN Co second public consultation process on its Wholesale Broadband Agreement - 19 May 2011
- Ministerial media release: Historic Launch of NBN in Armidale - 18 May 2011
- NBN Co selects Fujitsu Australia as New Developments deployment partner - 13 May 2011
- Ministerial media release: Better Broadband for Rural and Regional Australians - 6 May 2011
- Ministerial media release: NBN Rollout in Tasmania: Next Phase - 28 April 2011
- NBN Co selects prime systems integrator to support wholesale business - 29 March 2011
- Ministerial media release: NBN Bills Pass Both Houses of Parliament - 28 March 2011
- Ministerial media release: Victor Harbour Fibre Backbone Link Complete - 16 March 2011
- Ministerial media release: Perth to Geraldton Fibre Optic Link Now Complete - 11 March 2011
- Ministerial media release: Government committed to improving telecommunications consumer safeguards - 25 February 2011
- Ministerial media release: Next step in NBN fixed wireless rollout for rural and regional Australians - 17 February 2011
- Ministerial media release: Major step forward for Government - Telstra - NBN Co agreement - 10 February 2011
- NBN Co release of its draft B2B specifications - 25 January 2011
- NBN Co release of its Product and Pricing Overview - 20 December 2010
- Ministerial media release: NBN Rollout: Statement of Expectations - 20 December 2010
- Joint Ministerial media release: Government releases NBN Co Corporate plan - 20 December 2010 and NBN Co announcement NBN Co Corporate Plan Released - 20 December 2010
- Ministerial media release: Provision of Fibre in New Developments - 9 December 2010
- Ministerial media release: NBN Historic Reforms for Australia’s Telco Consumers - 26 November 2010
- Ministerial media release: NBN Legislation introduced into Parliament - 25 November 2010
- ACCC discussion paper: NBN Points of Interconnect - 22 October 2010
- Ministerial media release: Consultation on Universal Service Policy - 22 October 2010
- Ministerial media release: Second release sites announced for NBN rollout - 8 July 2010 and NBN Co media release: NBN Co announces next rollout locations - 8 July 2010
- Ministerial media release: NBN Network Operations Centre to be based in Melbourne - 2 July 2010
- Joint ministerial media release: Agreement between NBN Co and Telstra on the rollout of the National Broadband Network - 20 June 2010 and NBN Co media release: NBN Co and Telstra reach Heads of Agreement - 20 June 2010
- Ministerial media release: Landmark Study confirms NBN vision is achievable and affordable - 6 May 2010
- Ministerial media release: Further detail on superfast broadband for greenfields - 16 April 2010
- ACCC webpage with Telstra Structural Separation Undertaking and draft Migration Plan
- ACCC List of NBN Points of Interconnect
- NBN Co's New Developments (greenfields, broadacre developments, etc.)
- Federal government NBN website nbn.gov.au
- NBN Co maps including for NBN first and second release sites
- Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Communications and the Arts.
- List of submissions on the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Safeguards) Bill 2009
- National Broadband Network Company Legislation and Access Regime
- List of submissions
- Backhaul Blackspots Initiative Stakeholder Consultation Paper (registration required)
- National Broadband Network: 21st century broadband
- National Broadband Network: Regulatory reform for 21st Century Broadband - Discussion paper
- Fibre in Greenfield Estates and Fibre Roll-out (registration required)
- Senator Conroy
- Tenders