Member Only Area
This area is only available to Communications Alliance members via login.
Members: To login, enter your login details in the login box located on the left hand side of the page. If you have forgotten your login details, please contact us.
The following services are available to Communications Alliance members:
- Member Only Events and Forums
- Member Only Documents
- TCP Code and Supporting Documents
- Strategic Plan
- Input into Communications Alliance submissions
- Involvement With Other Bodies
- Member Surveys
- Member Webcasts
- Job Seekers
- Feedback and Suggestions
- Update your contact details
- other member only resources
For details on how to become a Communications Alliance member click here.
If you are a Communications Alliance member and would like to request a Members Area login, please click here.
Guidelines for Use of the Communications Alliance (CA) Member Logo
The CA Member Logo (The Logo) is for use exclusively by current CA members. The Logo is used to promote a company's or organisation's membership of CA and highlight its commitment to promote the growth of the Australian communications industry and the protection of consumer interests by fostering the highest standards of business ethics and behaviour through industry self-governance.
CA Members agree to the following terms and conditions when using of the CA Member Logo:
- The Logo may not be used by non-members, including former members whose membership has lapsed due to non-payment of fees. To check whether your company or organisation is a current member, please see our list of members, or email
- The Logo may be used to identify a company or organisation as a CA member. It may be used on a CA member website, signage, reports, brochures, and other publicity or display materials.
- The Logo may link only to the CA home page. You may not use it to link to other pages on your website or any other websites.
- The Logo must be used in its entirety and may not be altered in any way, including proportion, colour, element, type, etc. except by express permission from CA. You may not animate, morph or in any other way distort the appearance of the CA Logo.
- CA Members my print the the Logo in black and white or in its original colours. Altering the colour scheme of the logo is not permitted.
- The Logo may not be used to indicate any kind of endorsement by CA of a company's product or service; or that any official status for any product or service has been conferred by or is otherwise associated with CA; or to show any kind of relationship with CA aside from those permitted above.
- The Logo may not be used on official documents such as sales contracts, or official disclosure documents provided to potential or actual clients or purchasers of a member company's services or products.
- The Logo may not be used in connection with any disparaging statements about CA or its products, or statements that otherwise reflect poorly on CA.
- The Logo may not be used on any web site that is in violation of any applicable laws or governmental regulations.
- CA reserves the right to disallow any use of the Logo.
- Any unauthorised use of the Logo may result in legal action.
If you have questions about any of the conditions above, email: