Spectrum Networks




Spectrum, established in 1991 under the leadership of Internet Pioneer Matt Perkins, originally built and maintained APANA (Australia Public Access Network Association) Australia's first public ISP.

By 1994, Spectrum was approached to build one of Australia first commercial and largest ISP's (Microplex). This involved the network planning and building of a national network. Spectrum continued to expand and maintain the national Microplex network right through until the sale of Microplex and it's infrastructure to Cable & Wireless Optus in 1998.

Spectrum Networks then pioneered Australia's first business broadband DSL network in 1999 - leading the market by almost 2 years, the first ever Australian alternative to expensive Frame Relay.

Again in 2005, Spectrum pioneered Australia's first Virtual IP-PABX teamed with business grade networks, combining the flexibility and ubiquity of IP and the convenience of voice with guaranteed quality.

Spectrum remains committed to delivering the latest technological enhancements to Australian business.

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