3 References: Legislation and Information


The information in this section is provided to assist with the application of this Guidance.

There is both national and international legislation to ensure non-discrimination including in the provision of services, and increasingly, national and international guidance on the steps industry can take to achieve equality in accessibility.

The references in this section are provided as a background indicating that this Guidance is part of a greater body of work in terms of accessibility to communications technologies.

As well as legislation, some industry participants and consumer organisations have developed Accessibility and Inclusion Action Plans, Guides or Manuals which outline best practice procedures for consulting with people with disabilities.

3.1 Relevant Australian Legislation

3.1.1    Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)

The Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) provides protection for everyone in Australia against discrimination based on disability. It encourages everyone to be involved in implementing the Act and to share in the overall benefits to the community and the economy that flow from participation by the widest range of people.

Disability discrimination happens when people with disabilities are treated less fairly than people without a disability.A brief guide to the Disability Discrimination Act may be accessed online at the website for the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

A brief guide to the Disability Discrimination Act may be accessed online at the website for the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.

3.1.2    Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 (Cth)

The Act provides for a universal service regime which consists of the universal service obligation (USO). The purpose of the USO is to ensure that all people in Australia, wherever they reside or carry on business, should have reasonable access, on an equitable basis, to the standard telephone service, payphones and prescribed carriage services.

3.1.3    Telecommunications (Equipment for the Disabled) Regulations 1998

These regulations specify the type of equipment that may be supplied for connection to the standard telephone service by people with disabilities.

3.2 Relevant Australian Information

3.2.1    Relevant Communications Alliance Consumer Documents

Communications Alliance Standards, Codes and Guidelines are available from http://www.commsalliance.com.au/Documents. The documents include the:

(a)    Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code (C628:2019)

(b)    Information on Accessibility Features for Telephone Equipment Code (C625:2020)

3.2.2    Accessibility and Inclusion Action Plans and Good Practice Guides

(a)    Australian Mobile Telephone Association (AMTA) Mobile Phone Industry Good Practice Guide: Accessibility for People with Disabilities

(b)    Optus Accessibility and Inclusion Action Plan can be accessed via the Optus Disability Service webpage

(c)    Telstra Accessibility and Inclusion Action Plan can be accessed via the Telstra Disability Service webpage

(d)    TPG Telecom information in relation to accessibility can be found here

(e)    nbn Accessibility and Inclusion Plan can be accessed via the nbn Disability Service webpage

Please check the websites of other telecommunications providers for their respective initiatives.

3.2.3    Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)

(a)    Telstra Accessibility and Inclusion Action Plans are lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).

(b)    Optus Accessibility and Inclusion Action Plan is lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).

(c)     nbn Accessibility and Inclusion Plan is lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)

(d)     Access for all: Improving accessibility for consumers with disability

NOTE:  It is important that the communication needs of Deaf people are met. A range of communication methods are used according to the nature of the hearing impairment, and it is necessary to use the one that is most appropriate in any given interactive situation. Deafness Forum of Australia has published Guidelines to assist in this process.
For further information go to the Deafness Forum website.

3.2.4    Australian Information on plain language and word choice

Communications Alliance publications are written for the communications sector to specify obligations, requirements and guidance for its members to perform their technical and operational activities. They also need to ensure that requirements are enforceable by the respective regulator. Taking into account the constraints imposed by the need to document the specificity required by our publications, relevant Working Committees are encouraged to take into account the concepts of easy-to-understand English so that as many people as possible can understand the meaning of the documents.

For advice on writing using such language, go to the Plain Language Australia website and the Australian Style Manual for plain language and word choice.