1 Objectives
The following guidance for developing Communications Alliance documents is to address the accessibility needs for telecommunications products and services. It is intended is to:
(b) inform industry participants as to how they can operate to provide equity in access to communications products, services and information to eliminate barriers, foster inclusiveness and meet the needs of the community;
(c) encourage all industry participants to consider Universal Design features in all development processes;
(d) inform industry participants as to how they can ensure that information provided to people with disabilities is accessible. This includes the following measures by industry:
(e) industry participants’ front of house staff have the training and facilities to provide information about features of the carriers’ or carriage service providers’ products and services that make their use accessible to people with disabilities; and
(f) the information itself is accessible to people with disabilities; and
NOTE: This can include providing information in large font sizes or on accessible websites. |
(g) be source of information to which consumers may refer about equity in and access to communications for people with disabilities.
NOTE: This guidance does not provide legal advice or substitute for any specific obligation that industry participants must comply with under legislation, including but not limited to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and related State and Territory legislation, the Telecommunications Act 1997 and the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999. |