
No 8: 3 April 2024



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  • ACOMMS 2024 - 18 July 2024 - Nominate HERE

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ACOMMS 2024 - Nominate Now!

Nominations have opened for the Australian communications industry’s premier awards - the ACOMMS – now with 13 categories celebrating performance excellence in innovation, customer service, artificial intelligence, digital platforms, cyber security & online safety, the space sector, diversity and inclusion and product solutions across the breadth of the Communications sector.

Nominate: HERE

Nominations Close: Friday, 19 April 2024


Trevor Hill Hands Over ICAG Chair

After a stellar career in telecommunications – reaching back to the days of the Postmaster-General, the Chair of the Comms Alliance Industry Consumer Advisory Group (ICAG), Trevor Hill, has downed tools and headed for the first tee.

Trevor – a 41-year veteran senior regulatory executive at Telstra, was convinced to remain in the ICAG role – serving the interests of consumers and the broader industry, after leaving Telstra nine years ago.

Trevor is succeeded in the ICAG Chair by Annie Leahy, Regulatory Specialist at TPG Telecom and a talented key contributor to the Comms Alliance work on consumer protection and customer service; among other topics. 

Trevor said, “It was a great honour to lead ICAG and I appreciate the fantastic support that was given to me by both CA staff and my Industry colleagues. I am delighted that ICAG is in capable hands of Annie and I wish her well." 

Comms Alliance CEO, John Stanton, said Trevor was known and admired throughout the industry and the broader political and regulatory stakeholder framework for his incisive mind, pragmatic approach, affable outlook and his ability to synthesise complex regulatory challenges into digestible questions for resolution.

“Comms Alliance and the telco environment in Australia owe a great deal to Trevor for his broad-ranging contributions and the ‘difference’ he has made, for the positive, in our sector.

“Trevor will be sorely missed, but it is also fortuitous that we have been able to convince someone of Annie’s expertise and energy to become the next Chair of ICAG,

“It augurs well, not least because Comms Alliance and our members are working around the clock at the moment to meet regulator deadlines for the current comprehensive revision and upgrade of our Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code, which is one of the most important co-regulatory keys to providing Australia’s telco customers with a positive and rewarding experience,” Mr Stanton said.

Current Consultations

Below is a list of currently open telecommunications-related consultations being conducted by Government and other organisations that provide an opportunity for you to have your say.

Communications Alliance members interested in contributing to an industry submission (if one is being developed in response to a specific consultation) should contact us.


SMS Sender ID Registry

Amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth): Draft Impact Analysis

Organisation/Closing Date

DITRDCA - 20/03/2024

DoHA - 22/03/2024

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