
No 9: 13 May 2024



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The awards be presented at the 18th Annual ACOMMS Dinner to be held on Thursday, 18 July 2024 at the Sofitel Sydney Wentworth.





Telco Customer Complaint Numbers Stable

Complaint numbers for Australia’s telcos have remained stable into the new year and continue to decrease year-on-year, according to the latest Communications Alliance Complaints-in-Context Report.

The latest data shows there were 3.3 complaints per 10,000 services in operation (SIO) on the networks of participating communications providers in the January to March 2024 quarter, or one complaint for every 3,030 services in operation.

This is up slightly from the 3.1 complaints per 10,000 services in the previous quarter, but significantly down from an average of 3.7 in the same period last year, and 4.8 the year before.

Commenting on the results, Communications Alliance CEO, John Stanton, said:

“The Complaints-in-Context report was introduced in 2019 to increase transparency and competition in the area of customer service by reporting on complaints received by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) per 10,000 services in operation. This allows comparison of the customer service and complaint handing performance of different service providers, regardless of their size.

“Under co-regulatory arrangements in the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code, the 10 telco providers identified by the TIO as having the largest (absolute) number of phone and internet complaints in the previous financial year must participate. Telcos may also participate voluntarily.
“Although the index is only one driver of competition in this space and there is, of course, always room for improvement, the year-on-year decline in complaint numbers is testament to telcos’ efforts to compete on customer service.

“It also suggests that this TCP Code provision appears to be driving improved customer service, as intended.”

The TCP Code, which is written in consultation with the ACMA and other stakeholders, and is registered and enforced by the ACMA, is currently under review. As part of the review, consideration is being given to other reporting metrics that can, like the complaints-in-context reporting, contribute to better consumer outcomes.

More information about complaints-in-context reporting is available here.  A copy of the TCP Code can be found here.  Details of the review and revision process are available here.

Current Consultations

Below is a list of currently open telecommunications-related consultations being conducted by Government and other organisations that provide an opportunity for you to have your say.

Communications Alliance members interested in contributing to an industry submission (if one is being developed in response to a specific consultation) should contact us.

Organisation/Closing Date




AGD/ACIL Allen/07/05/2024 ext. 16/05/2024

ACMA/15/05/2024 ext. 5/06/2024

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