Submission to 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy Legislation Reform Package
Communications Alliance has made a submission in response to the Department of Home Affairs Cyber Security Strategy Legislation Reform Package consultation paper.
The submission commends the Department of Home Affairs and other stakeholders for the collaborative approach that has been taken in the development of the strategy and the measures proposed for implementation of the strategy. It reiterates the need for an ongoing co-design process by leveraging the combined industry and Government/agency expertise in order to achieve the long-term goal of becoming a highly cyber secure nation.
The submission also addresses the nine measures proposed in the consultation paper and, in some instances, raises concerns with the measures as proposed and/or points to the need for more detail to ensure the proposals are appropriately targeting the desired outcomes.
Submission in Response to eSafety’s draft RES and DIS Standards
Communications Alliance has made a submission in response to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner draft Designated Internet Services Standard and the draft Relevant Electronic Services Standard.
The submission draws attention to a number of concerns in relation to the practical applicability of proposed measures, inconsistencies with the registered online safety codes and the Online Safety Act 2021, technical feasibility of requirements and a number of issues around definitional matters. The submission also raises concerns with the proposal to include AI-specific requirements and an associated lack of supply chain considerations.
The submission also endorses DIGI’s submission.
Communications Alliance Commences Search for Next CEO
The Board of Directors of Communications Alliance Ltd has launched an executive search following the decision of current CEO, John Stanton, not to seek a further term in the role.
Russell Reynolds Associates has been appointed to assist the Board in the search. Queries can be directed to Tom Roets, Russell Reynolds Associates,
New Member
Communications Alliance is pleased to welcome the following new member:
IOT & Approval Solutions Australia
 | IoTAS offers global testing solutions to the wireless community. The company is a specialist field testing company offering professional outsourcing solutions for 3GPP, wireless network testing and other wireless technologies.
Established in 2003, IoTAS has gained an enviable reputation for quality and professionalism. The company’s executive team has extensive experience working for leading manufacturers and test houses with hands-on knowledge in handset design, approvals management and field testing.
Current Consultations
Below is a list of currently open telecommunications-related consultations being conducted by Government and other organisations that provide an opportunity for you to have your say.
Communications Alliance members interested in contributing to an industry submission (if one is being developed in response to a specific consultation) should contact us.
| Organisation/Closing Date DITRDCA - 1/03/2024
DoHA - 1/03/2024