Regional Telecommunications Review 2024 – CA Submission
CA provided a submission to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA)’s 2024 Regional Telecommunications Review. The submission:
- outlines proposed updates to the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code that are particularly relevant to the review. These include updates that specifically target action and support for consumers in remote and regional areas of Australia; with lower digital literacy levels; and with English as a second language.
- offers support for First Nations-specific initiatives, including the digital support hub, which received funding in the May budget, as well as other work arising from the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group (FNDIAG). CA is engaged at CEO level on FNDIAG’s telecommunication focus group, and has offered specific assistance on a number of issues within its remit.
- considers challenges relating to access, resilience and emergency situations, including the links to a resilient energy supply and the importance of investment and innovation.
- considers the benefits of satellite systems in all configurations in supporting the coverage provided by terrestrial networks, particularly in regional and remote areas, both for consumer user devices and industrial and governmental IoT devices for industries such as transport, healthcare, agriculture, utilities, the autonomous aircraft/drone sector, national security, public safety and disaster relieve.
The submission, complete with an addendum outlining the solutions provided or planned by a range of individual satellite service providers, is available
here .
New Member
Communications Alliance is pleased to welcome the following new member:
Kali-tech Aboriginal Corporation
 | Kali-tech is the pioneering Aboriginal telecommunication company on a mission to bridge the digital divide and empower remote communities.
Current Consultations
Below is a list of currently open telecommunications-related consultations being conducted by Government and other organisations that provide an opportunity for you to have your say.
Communications Alliance members interested in contributing to an industry submission (if one is being developed in response to a specific consultation) should contact us.
| Organisation/Closing Date ACMA - 26/7/2024 ext. 7/9/2024
ACMA - 19/8/2024 ext 2/9/2024
ACMA - 2/9/2024
ACMA - 23/8/2024
ACMA - 22/8/2024 TIO - 30/8/2024