Safer Internet Day 2023
Safer Internet Day is a global event dedicated to creating a safer online world for everyone.
Tuesday 7 February 2023 marks the 20th Safer Internet Day and the world is more connected
than ever before, making online safety awareness even more important.
We are joining the eSafety Commissioner to support Safer Internet Day and we encourage you
to get involved and Connect. Reflect. Protect.
- Connect safely and with purpose – by keeping apps and devices secure and using social media in positive ways.
- Reflect before we act – by taking a moment to consider how what we do and say onlinemay affect others.
- Protect ourselves and others by taking action – tell family, friends or colleagues about eSafety and visit for advice, support and to report online abuse.
Visit to sign up and learn more.

CA Submission
Comms Alliance provided a brief submission to the ACMA’s Draft Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) for the 2021-22 Proposed Annual Carrier Licence Charge (ACLC). The submission welcomed the reported decrease in ACMA and ACCC’s costs attributable to their telecommunications functions and welcomed the ACMA and ACCC’s ongoing work to increase efficiency, noting that the ACLC is a significant cost on industry. Given the low deployment of white boxes under the Measuring Broadband Australia program, Comms Alliance also suggested that program be reviewed.
New Member
Communications Alliance is pleased to welcome the following new member:
Networx Australia 
| Networx Australia are Internet Security Experts, providing a wealth of experience and expertise in designing, configuring and implementing the major brands of Internet Security, Firewalls, VPNs, Anti-Spyware, Intrusion Detection and Anti-Virus solutions for the SMB and enterprise markets. Networx Australia does far more than simply provide its customers with the products that make up their IT infrastructure. Our unique range of Managed Security Services is designed for maximum protection, allowing the flexibility to grow as our customers’ businesses grow. Meanwhile our skilled team of network security specialists assists our customers with the design,acquisition, management and support of their critical business networks and systems. |
Current Consultations
Below is a list of currently open telecommunications-related consultations being conducted by Government and other organisations that provide an opportunity for you to have your say.