G660:2023 Assisting Consumers Affected by Domestic and Family Violence

G660:2023 - Incorporating Variation No.2/2024(.pdf, 578 KB)

This Guideline provides education and guidance to providers on how to assist customers experiencing domestic and family violence, with topics including staff and training, communicating with customers, privacy and safety, economic abuse, technology facilitated abuse, and how a customer can keep a mobile number when leaving a contract held by the perpetrator. It is suggested that providers read the Guideline in its entirety and then determine which tools and procedures work best for their operations.

Note: G660:2023 Assisting Consumers Affected by Domestic and Family Violence Industry Guideline was released in May 2023.

Updates were made to the Guideline in June 2023 to reflect the publication of new Industry Codes that contained specific protections for those affected by DFV: 

Further updates were made to the Guideline in March 2024 to reflect the publication of new Telecommunications (Financial Hardship) Industry Standard 2024 that contained specific protections for those affected by DFV.